Like the steam in a field of wheat, when a light breeze is bending them, thus do the veneer strips of the Wind lampshade rest each one on its neighbor, in a soft movement, closing a circle Small 45x30cm Large 55x35cm

Studio Vayehi is a product design studio owned by designers Katharina Brand and Tzuriel Gottlieb.
Studio Vayehi tells a personal tale, that emphasizes the human dimension in the production process. The studio specializes in the design and production of masterfully hand-crafted light objects made of wood veneer (thin slices of fine wood).
"We both share a love of nature in its simplicity and in its fascination.
We usually begin with what is close at hand, tangible, preferably natural material.
Our hands touch, caress, wrap and bend, They trace the tendencies of the material, and gather the thin layers of wood to form a shade. The finished object retains the memories of our movements.
We prefer to "sketch" with the material itself, with no intermediate (such as paper and pen or a computer). So ideas are born off the material, simple movements create shapes that open possibilities."
Studio Vayehi offers a unique selection of lighting fixtures that brings natural and warm atmosphere to the space.